Sunday, May 10, 2015


My history with disordered eating is long, but I feel it is finally coming to an end.

I always ate more than I should have, it was probably a family thing, but however it wasn't normal. I dieted several times but failed at it. I found the pro-ana world when I was fourteen and dieted/over-eated for some years, I lost and gained weight but it wasn't that considerable until I became very restrictive two years ago. Long story short: I lost weight being very obsessive about it. I traveled abroad, which is a stress situation and fell into the binge-restrict cycle. So I gained most of the weight back... and the nice need of bingeing at least once a week. After months of trying to recover on my own I finally decided I would seek help, because the urges just wouldn't stop, and I couldn't stop thinking about it.

So, I've been officially diagnosed with binge eating disorder and I am officially recovering from it. 

My treatment consists of an interdisciplinary approach: I have an RD, a psychiatrist and a psychologist helping me. I'm taking antidepressants and another drug. Both help me suppress the urges to binge and the carb craving, right now my body is adapting to them, so we're in the process of finding out which are the necessary amounts of each. I'm having psychotherapy once a week and following a healthy unrestrictive eating plan. (Right now I'm enjoying some bread with cheese :D)

I know I haven't posted in months, and I know it is a short, half-assed-post (shame on me), but it is on my plans to be updating this blog more often now that I have my recovery to talk about!


I'll slowly hit the 'publish' button... 

1 comment:

  1. thank you for your courage in sharing your heart :D


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